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What We Support


Your membership dues help provide for our many projects and events.


  • Art Discovery

  • Library, Music, P.E. and Recess support

  • Staff Appreciation

  • Teacher Grants

  • 3rd-5th Grade Testing Snacks

  • 5th Grade Legacy Art Project

  • School Garden

  • Baller Blast: our yearly school carnival

  • Birthday Table: each student receives a book and has lunch with a parent/friend

  • Book Fairs: held twice a year

  • Buddy Bench: to help eliminate loneliness and foster friendship on the playground 

  • Dine Around Town: fun family dining out in the community to support the PTA

  • Family Nights: free fun for the whole family—movie, games, or group activities

  • Fun Run: a program to encourage exercise in a non-competitive setting

  • General Meetings: to share PTA and school news

  • School Dance: a yearly themed event

  • Spirit Wear: to show our school spirit

  • Yearbook: for all those wonderful memories from the school year



Common PTA FAQ's


Does membership require volunteering? 

No. The only thing required of you to be a member of PTA is to pay the annual membership dues. Your level of involvement is up to you.


Why should I join PTA?

PTA offers all parents and caregivers the opportunity to be engaged in their child's potential. Being a member means that you are part of an association and action plan that is focused on programs and initiatives that strengthen your child's education. Membership and dues support your child by funding essential educational and curriculum needs; advocating on behalf of children and educators at the local, state and national levels; and building an inclusive school community for all families.


Where does my money go when I pay membership dues?

PTA dues directly support your child. They help fund essential school resources and curriculum needs. Dues help support advocacy efforts at the local, state and national levels, impacting decisions affecting your child's health, safety and quality of education.


How much time do I have to commit to being a PTA member?

Membership involves as little or as much time as you have to offer. Anything you can give, whether it's time or money, will support your child's potential.


Isn't PTA a social club for stay-at-home moms?

PTA is for every family who has a child at the school. PTA is for moms, dads, caregivers, grandparents, teachers and the community. While some of the work done by PTA may appear purely social - including family events that are used to strengthen the school community - much of PTA's work focuses on funding essential school resources and curriculum needs.


How does PTA ensure it represents every child and family at the school?

We encourage every family in the school to become a PTA member to support the success of their child. We want a diverse membership base that reflects all of the families and needs of students at the school. PTA strengthens connections between your family, your child's classmates and their families and teachers to build a thriving and inclusive community for everyone.


Join PTA


Individual $10.00

Family: $20.00

Staff: $10.00


Membership is tax-deductible and discounts include:

Wild Waves Theme & Water Park

Silverwood Theme Park

Office Depot

Fedex Office

and more!


Join online:


You may also complete a membership form and return to the school office at your convenience. Forms are accepted throughout the year.


**Email for help or with any questions.


Drop Us a Line, Let Us Know What You Think

Thanks for submitting!

Helen Baller PTA 2020.

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